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Domain name status codes

For all additional information about domain name status please contact your registrar.

Domain status code

What does it mean?

Status code explanation and recommendations


Domain name data are entered in the parent DNS zone and the domain name is operative on the Internet.

This is normal state of a domain name and means that domain name can be used to host a website, use an email address, or access other internet services. Increase your domain name security with DNSSEC and three available domain name protection options.


Domain name data are not entered in the parent DNS zone and domain name is not operative on the Internet.

Domain name is inactive due to:

  • At least two authoritative DNS servers are not set for the domain name
  • The domain name data are not confirmed
  • The domain name has expired


The registration period has expired, and the domain name is not operative on the Internet (Inactive).

If the domain has not been renewed prior to the expiry date, the domain’s status will change to Expired. The domain name can be renewed in the next thirty days. If the domain name is not renewed within that period, the domain will be purged from the registry database and will become free for registration.


The domain name was deleted at the request of the domain holder.

This domain status will remain for 7 days, if request is not canceled, the domain will be purged from the registry database when 7 days period expires.

If you are a domain holder and want to keep your domain name, contact your registrar immediately.


A request to update the domain name data has been received and is being processed or the domain name data were not confirmed yet.

If you are a domain holder and you already confirmed the domain name data and you did not request to update the domain name data, you should contact your registrar immediately to resolve the issue.


A request to transfer the domain name to a new registrar has been received and is being processed.

If you are a domain holder and you did not request to transfer your domain, you should contact your registrar immediately to request that they deny the transfer request on your behalf.


This domain status is used during legal or other disputes.

Updates, except renewal, are not allowed until the dispute is resolved.

Locks set by registrar


This is a security measure requested by the domain holder and set by the domain name registrar. All update requests for the domain name are prohibited until client-side security measures are turned off (Client side lock).

This security control is set with the aim of preventing unauthorized updates of the domain name data. In order to update the domain name data, you must first temporarily or permanently turn off this lock through the registrar.

Locks on the Registry side

Registry Lock

This is a security measure requested by the domain holder and set by the Registry. All update requests for the domain name are prohibited until Registry Lock is turned off.

This security control is set with the aim of preventing unauthorized updates of the domain name data. To update your domain name, you must temporarily or permanently turn off this lock following the Registry lock procedure.


No updates of the domain name data are allowed.

This domain name status is set by the Registry, preventing unauthorized updates of the domain name data. The status is applied during legal or other issues.


The status indicates that the domain name is not operative on the Internet.

This domain name status is set by the Registry. Domain name is not entered in the DNS zone file.


The status prevents the domain name from being transferred from the current registrar to another.

If your domain name does not have any issues, and you want to transfer the domain name from one registrar to another, you must first contact your current registrar and request that they resolve the status with the Registry.


The status prevents the domain name from being deleted.

If your domain name does not have any issues, and you and to delete it, you must first contact your registrar and request that they resolve the status with the Registry.


The status prevents changing the registrant.

If your domain name does not have any issues, and you want to change the registrant, you must first contact your registrar and request that they resolve the status with the Registry.


The status is set by the Registry to prevent modifications of the registrant’s name.

To resolve the status, you should contact your registrar to request more information why registrant’s name modifications are prevented.


The status is set by the Registry to prevent modifications of contacts and their data for all contact roles.

To resolve the status, you should contact your registrar to request more information why contact data modifications are prevented.


The status is set by the Registry to prevent modifications of the DNS servers for the domain name.

To resolve the status, you should contact your registrar to request more information why the DNS servers for the domain name modifications are prevented.